Gambling - Money Laundering and Social Resonsibility

02 Oct

News reaches us that the Gambling Commission have published statements in relation to two police investigations concerning moneylaundering in gambling premises.

The Commission have stated: 

“following a police investigation the commission became aware of potential weaknesses in anti moneylaundering and social responsibility controls at a number of licensed operators. We engaged with the operators concerned…….Both of these large British based operators fully co-operated with the Commission and have agreed to address the vulnerabilities identified in their own organisations….”

The stated intention of the Gambling Commission in publicising these matters is to “help other organisations to take advantage of the lessons learned”

It is always wise to keep any policies relating to gambling generally under review and up to date particularly in relation to money laundering and social responsibility.

The full press release is available on the Gambling Commission web site.


If you require assistance in reviewing any policies in relation to your operation, please contact us.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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